Did you know the number one reason mom's give up breastfeeding is because of a perceived lack of enough milk? Sadly, it's an easily rectified situation. The best way to increase milk supply is to nurse more often! Mom's think there is nothing in there, so it's futile! God designed the whole system wonderfully... It works on a supply and demand basis- the more baby nurses, the more milk mom makes! The 'emptier' your breasts are (though they are never truly empty), the more your body works to fill them up. Imagine a self-filling tank- When your breasts are 'full' the tank is at capacity- it's not going to keep filling, so you aren't going to keep producing as much milk. But when you empty the tank, you produce more to fill it! If you think your baby is not getting enough so you supplement with formula, you are further decreasing your milk supply because your baby won't efficiently empty the breast, therefore you aren't getting the stimulation needed to make more milk...your supply will dwindle. Pumping will help, but a pump cannot get out milk like a baby can! A good latch is also essential! Baby isn't going to get a full belly if he/she doesn't have a good latch. It's a good idea to have the latch checked by a profesional lactation consultant because a lot of times a doctor or nurse really doesn't know what a good latch looks like.
Pacifiers- did you know that baby's who use pacifiers wean much earlier than those that don't? Pacifiers are an artificial YOU! In this country, we feel like nursing is for feeding, when in reality it was designed as so much more. Baby's have a need to suckle and to do this at the breast, whether or not they are actively feeding, is an important physiological need. It is good for baby's to have plenty of access to the breast, and not just at scheduled feeding time. So if you are thinking 'He can't be hungry again, he JUST ATE!', don't hesitate to give him/her all the time on the breast he needs...it's not just about the milk! It's about the suckling, the skin to skin contact, the comfort...
Get enough food and fluids!
Hormonal birth control can reduce your milk supply too- regardless of how low the dosage is. Breastfeeding....good for baby, good for you!
Too bad I didn't know all of this when my babies were born :(