Saturday, April 3, 2010


We are trying to have a good stock of hair pretties for all those girlie-girls out there! We have the stretchy headbands that seem to be hard to find, and lots of flowers to clip onto them. We have knitted hats too, from Pixie Bowtique. We have amazing hair bows from Lanie Bug Bowtique (Amazing quality and creativity!) and just brought in some lovely headbands from Little Pea Boutique as well!

Cloth Diapering

As you probably know, cloth diapers have made a huge comeback in the last few years. The most affordable option for cloth diapering is prefolds- rectangular shaped diapers that have more layers in the middle, that you fold and cover with a diaper cover. They are the cheapest and very easy once you get the hang of it. We now carry Bumkins unbleached Prefolds in Preemie, Infant and Toddler sizes! We now have Snappis too! (A nice alternative to diaper pins!)

Potty Training?

Children tend to potty train faster when they can feel the wetness. It's hard to find training pants with the thick middle layers these days- I even had lots of trouble finding them 4 years ago when I needed them for one of my kids. I'm excited about the Bambino Mio Potty Training pants! They come in 3 sizes and they have a waterproof inner pad to help minimise accidents. We also have the Mio Potty- a one-piece design potty chair- it's simple design and handle on the back make if easily portable!